Guitar Career Kickstarter
Online Training Event
Learn Guitar In Lockdown
Kickstart Your Guitar Playing With An
Immersive Week Of Online Guitar Lessons

Have you always wanted to learn how to play the guitar but are unsure how to get started?
Did you try teaching yourself online during last year’s lockdown but found the whole process overwhelming?
Are you frustrated with learning guitar from Youtube and find yourself needing guidance and direction from a real teacher?
Have you been wanting to get back into guitar playing for a while and now finally have the perfect opportunity while in lockdown?
If you’ve found yourself saying ‘yes’ to any of the points above then our Guitar Career Kickstarter Online Training Event is exactly what you need to begin (or restart) your guitar playing journey!
If you’ve got no idea what you’re going to do next week during lockdown, why not join us for a guitar playing experience like no other? If you’ve always wanted to learn how to play guitar, or have wanted to get back into playing, or are simply fed up with the lack of results you’re getting teaching yourself from Youtube or other online programs without live feedback from a real teacher, then our 5 Day Guitar Career Kickstarter is the online training event you’ve been waiting for!
Our 5 Day Guitar Career Kickstarter will comprise of a daily 60 minute Guitar Lesson each day of the week where we will cover all of the fundamental skills and key concepts that you need in order to play guitar fluently and with confidence, as well as some special top-secret guitar hacks that will have you sounding like a pro in no time at all!
Attendees Can Expect The Following:
- 5x 60m Guitar Lessons From Monday To Friday
- Live Coaching & Feedback with an Expert Guitar Teacher
- Learn Key Concepts, Fundamental Skills & Expert Guitar Hacks To Fast-Track Your Progress
- Video Recordings Of The Sessions For You To Review In Future
- Free Workbook & Reference Materials
- The Perfect Introduction To Guitar For Total Beginners Or Anyone Who Is In Their First Couple Of Months Of Learning
- To Make Rapid Progress By Receiving The Benefit of 10 weeks of 30m Lessons Condensed Into One Super Week Of Guitar Playing.
Topics Covered Include:
- How To Read Guitar Tab
- How To Play Single Note Melodies
- How To Read A Chord Chart
- How To Play Chords
- Top Secret Guitar Hacks To Turbo Charge Your Progress
- How To Quickly Learn & Master Strum Patterns
- How To Quickly Learn & Master Chord Progressions
- Easy Guitar Riffs Your Friends & Family Will Instantly Recognize
- How To Play Along To Any Song (Even If You’re Just A Beginner)
- Guitar Practice Secrets For More Progress In Less Time
If you’ve always wanted to learn how to play guitar then making
the most of this opportunity during lockdown is a no brainer!
The 5 Day Guitar Career Kickstarter is guaranteed to help you make outstanding progress simply because you will be receiving 5 hours of live guitar training from an expert teacher. Sure you could do this across 5 weeks by taking 60 minute private lessons or across 10 weeks by taking 30m lessons, but the disadvantage of this approach is that the topics and content is drip-fed o you and stretched out across a really long period of time.
With our immersion style online training event we’re able to condense 10 weeks of content into a single week which will create a solid foundation of skills and knowledge for you to build on in future (whether on your own or with ongoing guidance from us). Why wait 10 weeks when you can get all the knowledge you need it in one week, and then reinvest the time you’ve saved into more practice so that you can keep on getting better and better!
Enrol In The Program For Only $197
The average rate for guitar lessons as recommended by the Victorian Music Teacher’s Association is $80 per hour for a guitar teacher with a bachelors degree in music. Our special training event goes for 5 hours which would equate to a value of $400 should we be doing an apples to apples comparison…
But we’re not!
You’re getting 5 hours with Melbourne’s highest rated guitar teacher, Michael Gumley (as ranked by Google), who normally charges a rate of $200 per hour for private lessons. Plus you’re getting a bonus eBook of all of the course material which contains a number of top secret guitar hacks which are guaranteed to turbo charge your guitar skills and get you playing like your guitar heroes in no time at all.
Last time Michael did a special training event like this tickets were $497, so take advantage of the special price and the opportunity provided by lockdown and make a commitment to improving your guitar playing.
Get Your Ticket For Only $197
And Kickstart Your Guitar Career Now!
And Kickstart Your Guitar Career Now!

Meet The Teacher
Michael Gumley is a guitar teacher from Melbourne, Australia. He is the owner and head teacher of Melbourne Guitar Academy, the creator of Guitar Dojo Online and the Author of Guitar Ninjas – a modern curriculum for learning and teaching guitar.
After suffering nerve damage in his fretting hand at the age of 21 which required surgery and 18 months of rehab, Michael had to learn how to to use his hand again from scratch, learning everything from making a fist, tying his shoelaces and eventually playing guitar a second time. Being limited to periods of 5 and 10 minutes of playing a day during recovery, Michael had to be much more efficient in his use of time, which led to him creating a Guitar Mastery Method aimed at getting accelerated results in less time by practicing smarter and more efficiently. This has become the foundation of his Guitar Ninjas methodology and is helping guitar players the world over progress in leaps and bounds!
Michael is passionate about raising the standard of guitar education worldwide by delivering exciting and engaging lessons for students while training other guitar teachers to improve their own educational skills so that future generations of guitar students can learn from better teachers and have a more enjoyable journey as they learn guitar
Still Not Sure About The 5 Day Guitar Career Kickstarter Immersion Training Event?
If you’re not happy with what you learn and the progress that you make on the first day of the event, we’ll offer a 100% money back guarantee on your ticket.
So you either make great progress and receive value well beyond the price of your ticket, or you get your money back!
What have you got to lose?
If you could learn all of the key skills and fundamental topics of guitar playing from one of Australia’s best teachers, which would greatly ccelerate the progress you make and reduce the amount of time it takes to get good at guitar by months if not years, and do it all in a single week instead of dragging it out over a period of months, all from the comfort and safety of your own home, while probably saving more than the price of the ticket from not having to commute or pay for any of your other regular activities during a week where you are locked down with nothing to do, would that be worth the small price of $197 (which is less than the price of 4 lessons with an average guitar teacher?)
You’re damn right it is!
Get your ticket (and over $1000 worth of value) for the small price of $197 now!
Guitar Career Kickstart Online Immersion Training Workshop
Lockdown Week
Monday 31st of May to Friday 4th of June
Session Times: Monday 11am Tuesday 1pm Wednesday 11am Thursday 1pm Friday 11am
Platform: Zoom (link well be sent to members after ticket is purchased)
Event Price: $197 AUD
Plus Get 5 Special Bonuses to sweeten the deal!
Bonus 1: Beginner Guitar Secrets eBook & Digital Course Material (value = $50)
Bonus 2: Recordings of Each Session (value = $50)
Bonus 3: 10 Week Implementation Strategy & Practice Plan (value = $99)
Bonus 4: Access to our ‘Getting Into Guitar‘ Online Course & Video Series so that you can get a head start on learning from the moment you purchase your ticket.
Bonus 5: Certificate of Completion (priceless!)
That’s $1000 worth of lessons and another $200 bonuses for only $197!!!
- Participants will need their own guitar to play on at home.
- The Money Back Guarantee Offer is only valid until the end of the first day and requires that you participate in the session on that day to be eligible.
- This workshop is suitable for total beginners and anyone who has had a few months of experience either self teaching or with a teacher but still feels like a beginner. Early intermediate players or those struggling with any of the topics mentioned above will also greatly benefit from this event.
- Recommended age is 12 and over, please email info (at) if you would like to organise guitar lessons for a younger student.
- This online event will be recorded. By purchasing a ticket you agree to being recorded and acknowledge that you may appear in the videos which will be distributed to attendees and used for future educational and promotional material.